Setting a Jetson AGX Orin for robotics development (III) - event-based SLAM

Setting a Jetson AGX Orin for robotics development (III) - event-based SLAM

Welcome to the third post on setting up a Jetson AGX Orin for robotics development! Today, we will focus on setting up a set of state-of-the-art methods for event-based localization. The structure of the post goes as follows:

Reminder: For this project I will be using the JETSON AGX ORIN DEVELOPER KIT. Some things to take into account about this board:

  • It is an ARM64 architecture.
  • It has Ubuntu 20.04 installed
  • It comes with the Nvidia Jetpack 5.1.2
  • It has ROS Noetic

1. ESVO-Extension

This installation has been successfully tested in Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic, OpenCV 4.5.4 and Eigen 3.4.

1.1 Prerequisites

sudo apt-get install libqhull-dev python3-pycryptodome
pip3 install python-gnupg
  • FLANN library == 1.7.0. Clone and compile it in your favourite folder:
      git clone
      cd flann
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ..
      make -j$(nproc)
      sudo make install
  • Bullet library . Clone and compile it in your favourite folder:
      git clone
      cd bullet3
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ..
      make -j$(nproc)
      sudo make install
  • PCL library v. 1.10. Follow the installation instructions here. When building, ensure that it is compiled with QHull as follows:
      cmake -DWITH_QHULL=TRUE ..
  • ROS Noetic dependencies. I will install this in my ros_noetic_ws, therefore, all the comands for each package below are preceded by a cd ros_noetic_ws/src.
    • vision_opencv
        git clone
        cd vision_opencv && git checkout noetic
        cd ../..
    • pcl_msgs
        git clone
        cd pcl_msgs && git checkout noetic-devel
    • geometry2
        git clone
        cd geometry2 && git checkout noetic-devel
    • perception_pcl
        git clone 
        cd perception_pcl && git checkout melodic-devel
  • Other ROS dependencies. These are the dependencies that I will install in my catkin_ws. Similarly, all the comands for each package below are preceded by a cd catkin_ws/src.
    • cnpy_catkin
        git clone

1.2 Installation

ESVO_extension is a ROS package that I will intall in my catkin_ws workspace.

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin build esvo_time_surface esvo_core

For installing it and other dependencies, follow the installation instructions in the repo.

2. EventEMin

2.1 Dependencies

sudo apt install libomp-dev
sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev

2.2 Installation

This worked straight away. The repo claims that it needs an Eigen3 version lower (but not including) 3.4. However, I haven’t had any trouble with Eigen 3.4 so far!

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ..
catkin build event_emin_ros

3. EVO

3.1 Dependencies

The command ./rpg_dvs_evo_open/ install the dependencies. However, some need to be installed manually (only applicable for ARM architectures though):

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git checkout test/aarch64-compilation 
cd ../..
catkin build fast

3.2 Installation

cd src/ &&

Olaya Alvarez-Tuñon
Olaya Alvarez-Tuñon
Hi, I am Olaya.
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